Safety Tips

Searching for Professional Electrical System Repair in Portland, OR?

Electrical Safety Experts

Our lives depend on the safe use of electricity in our homes, but safety doesn’t just happen. Electricity continues to be a leading cause of home fires in the United States. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Association, fires starting in electrical systems or lighting equipment damage 24,000 homes and kill 320 people each year.

What some homeowners might think of as a “minor” electrical problem can lead to a dangerous or deadly fire. Your family and your home’s smoke alarms may not detect an electrical fire until the home is fully engulfed, giving you less time and fewer options for escape. It’s important to leave the electrical work in your home to a professional like Metro’s Best Electric to ensure your systems are running safely and at peak efficiency.

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Wiring Electrical Hazards

The following are signs of wiring electrical hazards commonly found in aging homes:

  • Circuit breakers that frequently trip or fuses that often need replacement.

  • Arcs and sparks, flashes of light, or showers of sparks anywhere in your electrical system.

  • Sizzles and buzzes; unusual sounds from your electrical system.

  • Overheating wires giving off an odor of hot insulation; switch plates or receptacle covers that are hot to the touch or discolored from heat buildup.

  • Electrical shocks. Any shock, even a mild tingle, may be warning of an electrical danger.

  • Damaged wire; cut, broken or cracked insulation

  • Overrated panel: electrical panels with fuses or circuit breakers rated at higher currents than the capacity of their branch circuits.

Get Started Today!

If you observe any of these signs in your home, give the team at Metro’s Best Electric a call. We’ll check out your issue and if needed, offer you some options to correct the problem.

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